Client: California Department of Boating and Waterways

The loss of public beaches over the past century due to intense coastal and inland development as well as natural causes prompted the State of California to undertake the California Public Beach Restoration Program. Coastal Frontiers served as a principal investigator and co-author of a supporting study that addressed the following topics:

Solana Beach

Study Topics

  • Activities sponsored by the California Public Beach Restoration Program

  • Future needs for beach restoration, based on the prospective benefits associated with recreation, tourism, coastal access, public health and safety, habitat preservation, and property protection

  • Sand nourishment approaches applicable to California beaches, including sources, placement techniques, and maintenance requirements

  • The effectiveness of the present beach restoration program

  • Means of increasing the supply of sediment to the coast

The effectiveness of the California Public Beach Restoration Program was evaluated based on the outcome of prior and on-going nourishment projects. Both deterministic and opportunistic projects were assessed, including a long-standing program of deterministic regional nourishment in Orange County and a series of opportunistic nourishment events in Santa Monica Bay.